Time of the Essence

Patience – Virtue or Vice?

could use some patience, yeah
gotta have some patience, yeah
all it takes is patience,
just a little patience
is all you need 

Guns and Roses, Patience

Patience has never been my strong suit.

Apparently patience can be learned.  Even though universe constantly puts me in situations that require patience, I’m loathe to learn it.

Or so the saying goes….

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organic food

Starting Over, Again

It’ll be just like starting over – starting over

John Lennon Starting over

After a year of stress and eating my way through it, once again I stand on the scale and am not happy with the number on it.  It’s time to start over.  Once more, into the healthy eating and exercise fray, my friends.  Once more!

Starting Over, Step One

In my usual fashion, I begin by scouring the net, looking at diet plans, reading advice, checking out possible magazines that could provide inspiration. Continue reading

Bill the Cat

2015 – That was the Year that Was

I think I can make it now, the pain is gone
All of the bad feelings have disappeared
Here is the rainbow I’ve been praying’ for
It’s gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
Sun-Shiny day.

Johnny Nash – I can see Clearly Now

Thank Goodness that the year is “was”

Good Morning. Let the stress begin...

Good Morning. Let the stress begin…

My first inclination is to describe 2015 as an “annus horibilis”.

Certainly there were enough bad things going on to warrant it. Continue reading

Mind Soundtrack

The Soundtrack of My Life

The Soundtrack of a Year

Music has always been a huge part of my life. Some albums I loved so much and played so often that they became the background

Mind Soundtrack

Music in my head

soundtrack to my life. The songs would be playing in the back of my mind for whatever situation I was in, like a movie soundtrack.

I’ve often found that when a situation arouse, the music that needed to accompany that scenario showed up as well. Like the universe sending me musical karma to make it through. Continue reading



What a Whirlwind!

My dear friends, I haven’t forgotten you.

It’s just that life has been a bit of a whirlwind the past couple of weeks ALL of my own doing.

High points are that I’ve sold my house, moving to a new one, having to sort through 20 years of married – life crap, pack what’s left – all in 2 months. Continue reading

Maxim to Vikings

The Big C, Take 2 – Mental Help

Mental Help Required

Once the cancer was gone, how could I remove it from my mind?

Cancer as Business

The cancer agency is an all encompassing body which decides each step for a patient.  There’s usually a flurry of activity and then you wait until there’s a spot for you.  Apparently cancer is a huge business.  I was informed that the local cancer agency made about $200,000 off my treatment.   None of which went into patient well-being that I could see. All services that helped patients deal with the mental onslaught of cancer were provided by volunteers.

And onslaught it is.  There were times I felt bullied by the medical staff, made to feel afraid.  Afraid of making my own decisions about how may body was going to be treated.  Afraid of going against what the doctors recommended.  I was made to feel that if I went against the norm, I was doing so at my own peril.   Continue reading


The Big C, Take 2 – Prepping for Radiation

The next steps of my cancer treatments

Hurry up and wait, again.

Once the operation was over, I was foisted back onto the cancer waiting list.  This time it was for radiation treatments.

The Radiation Oncologist

When the cancer mill starting turning again for me, my first appointment was meeting the radiation oncologist, Dr. C.  She was going to determine how long and how much radiation my poor breast would receive.  I had read in the literature that additional treatments in the form of  supplements may also be required.  I had decided that I was not going to take any chemical substances, some of which had brutal side effects.  I was going to try a more natural approach.  I noted it on the forms I filled in for Dr. C. Continue reading


The Big C, Take 2 – The Cancer Operation

Big C, Take 2 – Cancer Round 2

The Cancer Operation

Stops Four and Five

After the Big C diagnosis, I moved into the no man’s land where time is not your own.  It’s like being a child again and having mom and dad scheduling your day.  The difference is you’re not being scheduled for fun stuff.

Stop 4 – The Operation

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